1. Kuioo測驗
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  3. 測試你對美國職棒大聯盟瞭解多少?
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  7. 答案


You know so much about MLB!

You know so much about MLB!

在這個測試裡,你答對了 0 / 10

You're a true baseball fan and you can easily answer any MLB-related question, whether it's about teams, players or game records.

Wow! You really know a lot about MLB!

Wow! You really know a lot about MLB!

在這個測試裡,你答對了 0 / 10

You are a person who is interested in baseball and can watch games with your friends and share your knowledge.

You just start to be curious about MLB.

You just start to be curious about MLB.

在這個測試裡,你答對了 0 / 10

Although your knowledge of MLB is not very deep, your passion for baseball is obvious! Keep learning and I believe you will become a baseball expert in no time!
