1. Kuioo測驗
  2. >
  3. 測試你是一個球員還是一個沒有希望的浪漫主義者?
  4. >
  5. 問題


1. 你對一見鍾情的感覺如何?

我全心全意地相信它; 這是一個真實的現象。




2. 你是怎麼調情的?





3. 當有人對你表現出興趣時,你會採取什麼方法?




I take it as it comes, without any expectations.

4. How important is physical attraction in a relationship?

It's crucial. Physical chemistry is a significant aspect of a relationship.

It matters, but emotional connection and compatibility are more important.

It's essential, but not the sole basis for a meaningful connection.

Physical attraction is just one aspect. I value a deeper connection beyond appearances.

5. How do you feel about grand romantic gestures?

They're not really my style. I prefer to keep things low-key and spontaneous.

I absolutely adore them! They make me feel special and loved.

It depends on the situation.

I'm open to them, but I also appreciate subtle expressions of affection.

6. What is your view on long-term commitment?

I prefer to keep things casual and not be tied down to one person.

I believe in the power of long-lasting love and committed relationships.

I'm open to both casual dating and committed relationships, depending on the connection.

I don't like to put labels on relationships and prefer to take things as they come.

7. How important is celebrating anniversaries and milestones to you?

Not important. I don't emphasize anniversaries and milestones.

Very important. I love commemorating special moments in the relationship.

Nice to celebrate, but in a relaxed or low-key manner.

Open to celebrating, but not inclined to make a big fuss about them.

8. How do you handle breakups?

I move on quickly and enjoy my freedom.

It takes time to heal, but I believe in finding love again.

I reflect on the experience and learn from it.

Breakups don't affect me much; I adapt easily.

9. Which movie will you choose to watch?

Action or adventure films with a hint of romance.

Classic love stories that make you swoon.

Genre-bending films that mix romance with other elements.

Artistic films that explore unconventional relationships.